Where you belong.

Our History

What is the vineyard movement?

Who We Are?

 We are a charismatic community, serious about making disciples (people who follow Jesus, are changed by Jesus and join Jesus on His mission). The Holy Spirit's gifts are still available; we use them as we pray for salvation, healing and deliverance for people each week.


We're part of a worldwide network of Vineyard churches (www.vineyardusa.org)

Our Vision

Our vision is to make disciples who plant disciple-making communities

Our Mission

Our mission is to love God and people well so that Jesus is known and followed

Our Highest Values

Our highest values are to pursue God, to build Community, and to practice Compassion

The link to our core values and doctrines/beliefs... 


An interview with Carol Wimber:

More About Us

​We are a charismatic community, believing that God the Holy Spirit gifts his church to do the work of ministry in these last days. We believe the "baptism of the Spirit" is part of receiving Christ, as Paul wrote, "For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body--Jews or Greeks, slaves or free--and all were made to drink of one Spirit" 1 Corinthians 12:13.

There is one baptism of the Spirit, many fillings of the Spirit; He can be trusted to pour out gifts on believers, including tongues, prophecy, discerning of spirits, healings, miracles, words of knowledge and wisdom, faith, interpreting of tongues. We practice these gifts in our times together and in our daily lives. The Spirit bestows them as he chooses (1 Cor. 12:11). We do not believe any one of these gifts is the particular evidence of the "baptism of the Spirit" nor do we require speaking in tongues as a gift for everyone. Our attitude comes from 1 Corinthians 14, where Paul wrote:

  • I want all of you to speak in tongues, but more to prophesy 

  • I want you to excel in gifts that build up the church, not an individual 

  • Tongues without interpretation is out of order in a public meeting


We trust and expect God to release power, presence, and supernatural signs and wonders as we continually seek the Spirit's filling. We also seek the fruit of the Holy Spirit as he transforms our character into that of Jesus Christ.

To Take a More In-Depth Look At Our Doctrines, Core Values, and Beliefs