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Perry's Blog

You are a delight!

My son, do not despise the Lord's discipline or be weary of his reproof, for the Lord 

reproves him whom he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights.  Solomon

On the emotional spectrum we can locate loathe on one end and delight on the other, 

perhaps exceeded by ecstasy.  To delight in a thing or person is a strong emotion, no?

King Solomon counseled his sons in God's ways in what we call Proverbs 3:11-12.

The author of Hebrews repeated and expanded the insight in Hebrews 12.

I call the emboldened verses above "THE 3 D'S".  Walking with Jesus, we comprehend that

  • God actually delights in his sons and daughters.  Imagine the Creator jumping and

    clapping for joy at the mention of you!  Truly a strong emotion, yet true.  Wrap your

    mind around God loving you—on steroids.  This may cause theological adjustment.

  • His delight as a parent always includes his discipline for his children.  Not to punish

    but to correct—when we stray from the path of his ways and character, He nudges

    us back into the Way.  God seems to be ok if his discipline is uncomfortable, yea even

    painful.  Hebrews 12 lists two benefits of discipline: it demonstrates we are not

    illegitimate, but sons and daughters of the King—and it results in peaceful fruit.

  • Our expectation and response are the third D, do not despise the Father's discipline. 

    Who enjoys pain, right?  However, we are wisely counseled that our heavenly Father

    knows best—watches closely—and loves to the point of correcting wayward steps

    back into the Way of his family.  We can trust him. His discipline comes not ever from

    anger or disappointment, but from passionate love...and can be received and embraced

    as for our own benefit and fruitfulness.

The Hebrews author concludes, "For they [earthly fathers] disciplined us for a short time

as it seemed best to them, but he disciplines us for our good, that we may share his 

holiness.  For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it 

yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it."

Hebrews 12:10-11

Discipline is part of life—our Christian life, our family life, work, school, church and community 

life.  As in many facets of life, there are extremes to avoid.  Punishment out of anger is not discipline. 

Nor is unmitigated mercy with absent or wavering boundaries.  In healthy environments, discipline

is expected, lovingly extended, and embraced—even when difficult and painful.  As Scripture says,

it leads in healthy environments to peace and fruit.  I encourage us to comprehend and receive 

"THE 3 D'S".  

Thanking Father God for discipline and delight,  Pastor Perry Floyd

Liesa Reece